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Lieutenant Jason Sanborn 12th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

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Item No. CV4712JR Category


Carte view identified as Jason Sanborn of the 12th Illinois Infantry. Mustering as a sergeant with Company G. in August, 1861, Sanborn would take part in the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson in early 1862 before being promoted to 1st sergeant. He would also be present for the Battle of Shiloh and Siege of Corinth the following month. October of that year would see the Battle of Corinth and Sanborn would be wounded here when a bullet struck him at the base of his middle finger and exited on the top of the wrist. Treated in a tent hospital, he would be promoted to 2nd lieutenant the following day before transferring to an Illinois hospital. Jason would rejoin the regiment at Corinth after a months convalescence. He would remain with the regiment until December of 1863 when the regiments colonel requested he be sent to Nashville on special assignment. Throughout 1864, Sanborn would battle bouts of illness and would be hospitalized in between fighting battles of the field. He would take part in the Battle of Resaca and New Hope Church before being hospitalized once again. Ill health would would drive Sanborn to tender his resignation in August, 1864. Returning home briefly, Jason would take a commission as 1st lieutenant with Company H of the 144th Illinois Infantry in October, 1864. Performing guard duty in Alton, Illinois, a promotion to captain would come in mid June, 1865  before a final discharge the following month. A period ink inscription on the reverse reads “Yours Truly Jason J Sanborn 2nd Lieut Co. G. 12th Regt Ills Inftry Vols”. Back marked out of Corinth, Mississippi, this view most likely dates to sometime around November, 1862 following his return to the regiment at Corinth. One small area of paper loss in the upper left hand corner.

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