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Private Floyd Young 44th New York Infantry

Died of wounds

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Item No. CV2223JR Categories , Tag


Carte view identified as Private Floyd Young of the 44th New York Infantry. Floyd would muster with the regiment in October, 1861 and take part in the Peninsular Campaign which would begin during the spring of 1862. He would survive Yorktown unscathed, but would not be so lucky during the regiments next engagement at Hanover Court House. Wounded on May 27th, he would linger for a week before succumbing to the wound on June 5th. Floyd is shown here dressed in a New York jacket and triple armed with his musket, and a Smith & Wesson along with a Sheffield knife tucked into his belt. There is an old pencil id on the reverse reading “died of wounds June 5th, 1862 at Gaines House , Va wounded May 27th, 1862 Hanover Court House”. 

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